Club history – updated November 2024

The Andover Photographic Society was one of the founding clubs of the Southern Photographic Federation in 1963. In 1987 they joined forces with the Chapel River Press Camera Club which was founded in 1982. The new club was called the Andover Split Image Photographic Society, and widely known as ASIPS.
With the advent of digital photography, the ‘Split Image’ part of the name no longer had relevance, as the current cameras do not use the split image to achieve focus. The club formally changed its name to the Andover Photographic Club in January 2019.
The club is a member of the Southern Counties Photographic Federation and competes with other clubs in Print and DPI leagues.
After more than 40 years, John Randall, the only original member, retired at the AGM in May 2024. John had given sterling support over the years as both Club Secretary and Competitions Secretary. He had also been one of the premier competition judges for external competitions across our region and offered invaluable advice for our own internal competitions.
Sadly, John passed away on 23 September 2024.
In an effort to increase our membership we have attended markets in the town high street for a number of years and the theme of the markets has changed from the food and drink and everything in between markets.
The advent of Covid saw these markets cease for a two-year period then reinvent themselves into Artisan markets where each stall displayed crafted goods. Sadly, the footfall decreased and from the end of 2022 it was decided by the market committee that the markets would take a break.
We needed to find an alternative means of displaying our images and recruiting, hopefully, new members. It was decided to see if space was available for us at some of many village fetes in the area.
So in 2023 we attended Appleshaw, Chute and Penton village fetes. These were ably supported by volunteers and weather permitting were very worthwhile for us to take part. It helped that club members were on some of the village committee’s which helped smooth the way for us to attend. While this was going on, the Andover Carnival had recommenced after its enforced closure. Our gazebo could be spotted in the park as our photographers recorded the event. The gazebo had been providing a sterling service for over eight years, but sadly was getting tired. At the first fete during 2024 the support strut, already weakened, took more damage from the intense wind and had to be retired. Our new gazebo had its inaugural outing, first at this year’s carnival and then at the Appleshaw fete and Abbotts Ann fete. It proved its worth on all occasions.