
The club, under the name of Andover Split-Image Photographic Society (ASIPS), is a founding member member of the Southern Counties Photographic Federation (SCPF). We actively participate in the SCPF league with many members travelling to away battles. The aim of the SCPF is:

To promote the advancement of photography in all its aspects. To encourage the co-operation between member clubs through participation and hosting of inter-club & Federation activities.

Through the SCPF we are affiliated with the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB). The PAGB is an organisation that co-ordinates specific activities for photographic clubs in England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland. It does this through 15 geographical regions known as Federations.

The PAGB has strong links with similar organisations in different countries throughout the world through its membership of The International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP)

For more information

APC Secretary
Gavin Fisher


For website queries please email

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