Club Constitution

(v1.6 – 17 December 2018)

This updated constitution was ratified at an Extraordinary General Meeting on 10/01/2018.

The official PDF version of this can be downloaded here.

  1. Introduction
    1. The club shall be called The Andover Photographic Club (APC).
  2. Objectives
    1. The main purpose of the club is to bring together people from the community of Andover and the surrounding area who share an interest in photography.
    2. Children and Vulnerable Adults may attend club meetings and activities subject to the policies laid down in the Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults Policy.The club will offer opportunities for members to:
    3. Meet regularly to share their interest in photography with other members of the community.
    4. Attend presentations delivered by professional and amateur photographers from outside the club.
    5. Develop their photographic skills and knowledge through tutorials, lectures, practical events and group outings.
    6. Engage in photographic competitions.
    7. Support the wider local Community through exhibitions and events.
    8. Enjoy the company of other members at social gatherings.
  3. Membership
    1. A membership of the club implies the undertaking to comply with and abide by these rules, and any policies set out by the Committee.
    2. Annual subscriptions and other charges shall be fixed for the following year at the Annual General Meeting, members joining at any time after the start of the season shall be required to pay a proportionate part of the Annual fee based on the number of meetings still to be held. Membership of the club lasts until the start of the following season.
    3. Members will not do any act in the name of The Club potentially bringing The Club into disrepute and, in this context, the Committee reserves the right to refuse or terminate individual memberships where appropriate. Members will accept and abide by any rules governing or belonging to any meeting place in which The Club may meet from time to time.
    4. A member may be expelled or asked to resign from the club by a decision of the committee. The committee can request a member to appear before it provided there were accusations or charges made, the member shall be given full reasonable opportunity to put forward a defence and bring witnesses at a later meeting. Any member expelled or asked to resign shall have the right to appeal to an Extraordinary General Meeting for the purpose. The committee proceedings and those of the Extraordinary General Meeting will be treated as privileged and confidential.
    5. The name of any member whose subscriptions are more than three months in arrears may be removed from the membership by order of the committee.
    6. A member not in arrears of subscription or other charges may resign at any time by notifying the secretary or treasurer of their desire to do so. No monies will be refunded.
    7. Although all reasonable care will be taken, the club and its representatives will not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage to any images in any form entrusted into its care.
  4. The Committee
    1. The affairs of the club shall be managed by a committee consisting:
      • President
      • Past President
      • Vice President (President-in-waiting)
      • General Secretary
      • Treasurer
      • Competition Secretary (Print & PDI)
      • Development Officer
      • Programme Secretary, and
      • General committee members
    2. The Committee may co-opt on to The Committee ex-officio members for specific roles or activities. Such committee members may or may not have voting rights at the discretion of the Chair.
    3. All officers and committee members are eligible for re-election each year with the exception of the Chair who shall not be eligible to serve more than three years consecutively but to have no time limit if no other person is forthcoming.
    4. Candidates for election to The Committee shall be proposed by one member and seconded by another, the proposition being put to the meeting.
    5. A special meeting of The Committee may be convened on request of or to the Chair at least 14 days before the date proposed.
    6. At committee meetings five members present shall form a quorum.
    7. The secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings and conduct the correspondence of the club
    8. The Treasurer shall collect all subscriptions and monies due. At the close of each year a balance sheet will be drawn up by the Treasurer and presented at the AGM. This will be audited by two ordinary members appointed for this purpose at the AGM.
  5. General
    1. No alterations of, or additions to these rules shall be made except by the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting.
    2. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at the request of the Chair or by request of 5 members by notice to the club secretary.
    3. Notice must be provided to the membership by the secretary at least 14 days before an Extraordinary General Meeting; such notification must be via email to the general email list and announced at a minimum of one club meeting.
    4. At the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting presence of at least 25% of the fully paid up members on that date shall form a quorum.
    5. In the event of the club being dissolved, after any outstanding debts have been paid, ALL assets and monies left will be donated to Naomi House & Jacks Place (Wessex Children’s Hospice Trust Reg Charity No;1002832) without exception.

For more information

APC Secretary
Gavin Fisher


For website queries please email

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