Health & Safety Policy updated June 2024

Andover Photographic Club’s Health and Safety policy is as follows:

Club and Committee responsibilities:

It is the responsibility of the Society and Committee Members and organisers of Society events to provide a safe environment for the activities undertaken including:

  • Reviewing the activities being organised and undertaken to ensure that any risks are identified in advance and any necessary mitigation’s are implemented.
  • Ensuring that Members and other attendees are briefed on any particular circumstances relating to the event.
  • Providing a Committee Member or other responsible person to lead the event and be the point of contact for any health and safety issues which may arise.
  • Provide a suitable Risk Assessment for the activity to be undertaken.
  • The Club cannot accept liability for any member/guest participating in field trips; however, the Club does promote reducing risks to health and safety to as low a level as reasonably practical through suitable pre-planning of such trips.

Members’ personal responsibilities:

Members have the personal responsibility to:

  • Act responsibly at club events for the safety of themselves and others.
  • Report any concerns to a committee member who will raise the matter with the committee, or take immediate action if necessary.
  • Inform committee members or event organisers, in confidence, of any medical condition they have which may impinge upon a meeting or event. Members with such conditions are expected to carry with them any necessary medication and to be aware of how to use it.

Fire and Evacuation:

At the beginning of each meeting, those in attendance should be made aware of the location of emergency exits and whether any fire alarm tests are scheduled to be carried out during the progress of the meeting. Members should also be made aware of the location of the assembly point should evacuation of the building be required. In the event of a fire members must:

  • Activate the nearest fire alarm and ensure that the appropriate emergency services are summoned.
  • Evacuate the building without endangering others in the process.


  • Anyone using the Club’s equipment must be competent to do so without placing themselves or the Club or Members at risk.
  • Trip hazards from trailing wires will be mitigated by the use of cable covers.


In the event of an accident, details must be recorded in the Club Accident Report Book (HSE Compliant).  This is to be held by the Treasurer.  Further appropriate action is dependent on the type of accident.

For more information

APC Secretary
Gavin Fisher


For website queries please email

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